
Telling School Stories in Photos

Y’all…this is one of my favorite story sessions ever, and I can’t wait to tell you why. Creating school memories in photos is not just for photographers – every mom should be capturing the stories her children are living.

I believe passionately in the preservation of memories, and photographs are the single best way to accomplish this. So when a mom called me one day with this question, I was beyond excited.

She said, “I love your Instagram feed. I love how you try so hard to really tell the stories of the seniors you’re photographing. Do I have to wait until my girls are seniors to do a story session like that?”

Um…NO! Favorite Mom client EVER! We should never wait to tell the stories our children are creating. They are ever-changing, often hilarious, and always worth capturing. So when she explained the story she was hoping to create for her daughters I was completely on board.

Creating School Memories in Photos

New school – first year. One daughter had a locker for the first time…getting ready to head into middle school. One daughter was completely into art, and both were extremely musical. They had grown, learned and especially studied the Bible a lot that year, and Mom wanted to remember those moments.

So I met them after school one day and we had the MOST fun visiting their classrooms, art studios, locker and music rooms. We photographed their science projects and art pieces. The girls laughed and giggled and the pride in their mother’s face as she told me stories of how they had grown and become a part of their new school’s community was just inspiring!

We preserved those memories in prints – we turned them into a one-of-a-kind magazine that was easy to duplicate for grandparents. It was easy to create wall displays in canvas galleries that Mom can look at every day. Because memories are made to be SEEN!

So What Does Your Story Look Like?

Moms, sometimes we get so busy. But trust me – those stories change FAST. Your daughter’s favorite color in the second grade may be the color she hates the most when she’s a junior. Your son may outgrow his LEGOs. But if you have captured those moments in priceless photographs, you can revisit them again whenever you want.

Let me help you create a portrait story like this one. You will be so thrilled to have captured those special memories, and you will treasure those images for years to come. Ready to tell that story? Click that button and let’s get started!

Let’s Tell Your Story!