
Goals for the New Year

My husband is the smartest man I know. For reals. He says he doesn’t get the point of New Year’s Resolutions. If you need to resolve to do something, he says, why wait until a new calendar year to start? Just do it. There’s a lot of sense in this. But the new year is a good time to evaluate and assess. It’s the time each year when I look at what worked in the previous year and what didn’t. It’s also when I organize my goals for the New Year.

Goals for the New Year

I sat down in the last few hours of 2021 and reflected on how Traci Sproule Photography had fared over the last 12 months. Y’all – it’s been a GREAT year! I’ve had some of my best seniors ever this year!

I have some specific thoughts as I look ahead to 2022, though. I’ve put together my short list of goals for the new year. I’m excited to see how my own story unfolds this year, as I work to capture so many of yours.

Goal #1: Step Out Courageously

First up: Just be brave. The truth is: fear of rejection is a real thing for me. I have compared myself, my work and my business to others and found myself lacking. But I shouldn’t be doing that!

I stepped way out of my comfort zone in 2021, and I’m so glad I did. For the first time ever, I submitted images of my seniors to magazine competitions.

And y’all! I was published!

One of my images was published in SeniorMUSE magazine, and I was featured on Senior Year Magazine’s Instagram feed. Super Exciting! This is great for my seniors, too! National recognition, and it ups my game significantly to be recognized, because my seniors know they’re getting a great experience!

I’m going to keep moving forward this year. I will try new things in my story sessions (lighting recipes, posing…y’all, here we come). There are more senior magazine competitions coming in the new year, and I can’t wait to enter them.

I’m giving myself permission to fail…because that’s the best way to learn. But I’m also giving myself the push to succeed. And I will!

Goal #2: Organize for Success

In this new year I am promising myself to maintain better organization. I’m hoping especially to be more focused and intentional with social media and blog content. This is my plan for 2022, and I’m sticking with it.

Class of 2022 seniors…get ready for some really fun blog posts about your senior story sessions!

Creating Goals for the New Year Photographer with lenses, Coca-Cola and laptop planning

Goal #3: Take Advantage of Teamwork

Without saying too much, or dropping spoilers, I will say that I hope to make liberal use of opportunities for teamwork this year. I will be offering incentives for my seniors who collaborate on Instagram posts with me. I’ll be looking for local businesses to partner with for styled shoots and fun events.

And I’ve got one big announcement hopefully coming soon that will up the “teamwork” factor for my seniors by 100% – super excited!

So What About You?

That’s my short list of goals for this year, but there’s a lot of effort packed into putting those goals into practice. What goals are you working on this year? Drop me a comment below and let’s get started telling our stories together in the New Year!

Creating Goals for the New Year Photographer with lenses, Coca-Cola and laptop planning



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