
Disney Dreams – Katie’s Senior Story

Yeah…Katie is a senior who dreams big.

Traci: “So. Katie. Tell me how you want to showcase your senior story.”

Katie: “Don’t you think my senior story ought to be told at Disney World?”

And you know what? She was absolutely right. So many of Katie’s childhood memories are directly tied to the “Happiest Place on Earth.” She visited the Magic Kingdom and its surrounding parks an untold number of times with her family as a small child.

She processes thoughts in Disney memes. Hers is the family that you pull up next to at stop lights that are singing Disney show tunes at the top of their lungs. And we are not the least bit embarrassed.

Disney Princess

Katie is the quintessential Disney Princess. She is courageous and she is kind. She’s not afraid to let her hair down and have the “best day ever!” She is as beautiful in pink as she is in blue, and while she doesn’t do much whistling, she definitely sings while she works.

Katie is a South Florida senior who is excited to head off to West Tennessee after graduation. She’s known where she wants to attend college for as long as she can remember, and Freed-Hardeman University awaits her in the fall of 2018.

Katie loves Disney, she loves Marvel movies, she loves to sing, and she loves her family. She is especially active in her church family, with whom she serves at Bible camps, leadership camps and mission trips both domestic and international. She loves her Lord. She is an example to her peers, and to those of us who have watched her grow.

I enjoyed Katie’s senior session on so many levels. She is a beautiful girl, a delightful subject and she could not have chosen a more magical backdrop to showcase this moment in her history. Her photographer enjoyed her session. Her mother says, “Katie, the greatest gift and honor is having you for a daughter.”

Thanks for an incredible story, kiddo. Enjoy your next chapter.

Do you want to have a magical senior portrait session that is so completely, uniquely you? Click the button.

Let’s Start Telling Your Story